Thank you for your interest in our virtual OHP trainings!
In response to COVID-19, OHP has been hosting online, informational trainings via Zoom. Below, you will find the trainings in both video format and/or PowerPoint format (PDF). If you prefer to view the trainings on Facebook, please feel free to visit our Facebook page by clicking here.
You can contact OHP staff by clicking here if you have any comments, questions, or suggestions regarding the trainings.
You can also access older OHP trainings and presentations by visiting our SlideShare. Click here to be redirected to OHP's SlideShare.
December 2022 Low Health Literacy Guide

Above, you will find the recorded training session PowerPoint (PDF) and video by Evan Thornburg, HIPC governmental co-chair and PDPH Health Equity Special Advisor. The training, titled Literacy as a Bridge: Engaging Health Equity through Low Health Literacy Design, focuses on how low health literacy design can support health equity. The presentation offers an overview on how and why people's health literacy levels differ, how jargon/medial terms can negatively impact people's healthcare, and what we can do to address this.
April 2021 Training on Cultural Humility

Above, you will find the recorded training session PowerPoint (PDF) and video by Evan Thornburg, HIPC governmental co-chair and PDPH Health Equity Special Advisor. The training, titled Be Best: Understanding the Goal of Health Equity & the Cost of Bias, focuses on defining concepts, highlight important differences, bias, social determinants and health inequities, and resources for furthering your own journey to improved cultural humility.
***OHP Fall Training Series***
This fall series is to help new Planning Council members and interested community members to participate meaningfully in the work of the Philadelphia HIV Integrated Planning Council.

Effective Planning Council Meetings

Above, you will find a link to the recorded training session PowerPoint (PDF) and video. This is the fifth in a series of trainings sessions. Effective Planning Council Meetings is a presentation which defines HRSA/HAB expectations for the Planning Council as well as a breakdown of council committees and how meetings operate. The training also highlights what makes a productive and impactful meeting, including the importance of inclusion and equity.
Data-Based Decision-Making

Above, you will find a link to the recorded training session in both video and PowerPoint (PDF). This is the fifth in a series of trainings sessions. Data-Based Decision-Making is a presentation which defines and explains how different kinds of data are used to make decisions within the Planning Council to establish, support, and improve a system of quality care.
Integrated Planning

Above, you will find a link to the recorded training session in both video and PowerPoint (PDF). This is the third in a series of trainings sessions. Integrated Planning is a presentation on the interworking of the Integrated Prevention and Care Plan for PLWH and how the Planning Council plays a lead role in its development.
Needs Assessment 101

Above, you will find a link to the recorded training session in both video and PowerPoint (PDF). This is the second in a series of trainings sessions. Needs Assessment 101, focuses on the process of collecting information about the needs of people living with HIV (PLWH), containing qualitative and qualitative information.
Understanding the Planning Cycle

Above, you will find a link to the recorded training session. This is the first in a series of training to help new members and interested community members participate in the activities of the Philadelphia HIV Integrated Planning Council.
This discussion focused on the annual planning cycle of the Council as well as its roles/responsibilities.
**Please note that due to technological error, the first minute or so of the video is cut off.**
***Other Past OHP Trainings***

Ryan White Service Categories
A review of the Ryan White service categories and needs assessment data. Includes definitions of services and how they are provided locally in the EMA. This training is a good introduction for community members and a refresher for Planning Council members.
Introduction to Ryan White Allocations
An overview of how Ryan White Part A regional allocations are decided by the HIV Integrated Planning Council. This training is perfect for anyone who is curious about how these decisions are made and would like to participate in the allocations process. This is also a great refresher for experienced planners.
Introduction to Social Determinants of HIV
An overview of social determinants of health and specifically how social determinants impact HIV risk and the health and well-being of people living with HIV. This training is great for anyone who wants to know more about surrounding factors (environment, education, finances, etc.) which can determine health.
Community Planning 101
An overview of community planning of HIV services and the HIV Integrated Planning Council's work. This workshop is perfect for anyone who has applied or is considering applying for the Planning Council as well as new members who would like a refresher.