Ryan White Part A Services

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  • Above is a PDF of the document that got you here (all the funded Ryan White Part A services in our EMA and simplified definitions)! Feel free to print and distribute this list.
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Read more about the services below:

Keep reading to find out more details about the funded Ryan White Services in your area (Philadelphia and the surrounding PA and NJ counties)!


  • Outpatient Ambulatory Care: Outpatient/Ambulatory Health Services are diagnostic and therapeutic services provided directly to a client by a licensed healthcare provider in an outpatient medical setting. Outpatient medical settings include clinics, medical offices, and mobile vans where clients do not stay overnight. Emergency room or urgent care services are not considered outpatient settings.

  • Medical Case Management: Medical Case Management is the provision of a range of client-centered activities focused on improving health outcomes in support of the HIV care continuum. Activities may be prescribed by an interdisciplinary team that includes other specialty care providers. Medical Case Management includes all types of case management encounters (e.g., face-to-face, phone contact, and any other forms of communication).

  • Oral Health Care: Oral Health Care services provide outpatient diagnostic, preventive, and therapeutic services by dental health care professionals, including general dental practitioners, dental specialists, dental hygienists, and licensed dental assistants.

  • Local AIDS Pharmaceutical Program (LPAP): Local Pharmaceutical Assistance Program (LPAP) is operated by a RWHAP Part A or B recipient or sub-recipient as a supplemental means of providing medication assistance when an ADAP has a restricted formulary, waiting list and/or restricted financial eligibility criteria.

  • Mental Health Services: Mental Health Services are the provision of outpatient psychological and psychiatric screening, assessment, diagnosis, treatment, and counseling services offered to clients living with HIV. Services are based on a treatment plan, conducted in an outpatient group or individual session, and provided by a mental health professional licensed or authorized within the state to render such services. Such professionals typically include psychiatrists, psychologists, and licensed clinical social workers.

  • Medical Nutritional Therapy: These services can be provided in individual and/or group settings and outside of HIV Outpatient/Ambulatory Health Services. Medical Nutrition Therapy includes:
    • Nutrition assessment and screening
    • Dietary/nutritional evaluation
    • Food and/or nutritional
    • Supplements per medical provider’s recommendation
    • Nutrition education and/or counseling

  • Substance Abuse (Outpatient) Care: Substance Abuse Outpatient Care is the provision of outpatient services for the treatment of drug or alcohol use disorders. Services include: screening, assessment, diagnosis, and/or treatment of substance use disorder. Treatment of substance use disorder includes:
    • Pretreatment/recovery readiness programs
    • Harm reduction, behavioral health counseling associated with substance use disorder
    • Outpatient drug-free treatment and counseling
    • Medication assisted therapy
    • Neuro-psychiatric pharmaceuticals
    • Relapse prevention


  • Emergency Financial Assistance (EFA): Emergency Financial Assistance provides limited one-time or short-term payments to assist the RWHAP client with an emergent need for paying for essential utilities, housing, food (including groceries, and food vouchers), transportation, and medication. Emergency financial assistance can occur as a direct payment to an agency or through a voucher program.

  • Medical Transportation: Medical Transportation is the provision of nonemergency transportation services that enables an eligible client to access or be retained in core medical and support services.

  • Housing: Housing services provide limited short-term assistance to support emergency, temporary, or transitional housing to enable a client or family to gain or maintain outpatient/ambulatory health services. Housing-related referral services include assessment, search, placement, advocacy, and the fees associated with these services. Housing services are transitional in nature and for the purposes of moving or maintaining a client or family in a long-term, stable living situation. Therefore, such assistance cannot be provided on a permanent basis and must be accompanied by a strategy to identify, relocate, and/or ensure the client or family is moved to, or capable of maintaining, a long-term, stable living situation. Eligible housing can include housing that provides some type of medical or supportive services (such as residential substance use disorder services or mental health services, residential foster care, or assisted living residential services) and housing that does not provide direct medical or supportive services, but is essential for a client or family to gain or maintain access to and compliance with HIV-related outpatient/ambulatory health services and treatment.

  • Food Bank/Home Delivered Meals: Food Bank/Home Delivered Meals refers to the provision of actual food items, hot meals, or a voucher program to purchase food. This also includes the provision of essential non-food items that are limited to the following:
    • Personal hygiene products
    • Household cleaning supplies
    • Water filtration/purification systems in communities where issues of water safety exist

  • Legal Services/Other Professional Services: Other Professional Services allow for the provision of professional and consultant services rendered by members of particular professions licensed and/or qualified to offer such services by local governing authorities. Such services may include:
    • Legal services provided to and/or on behalf of the individual living with HIV and involving legal matters related to or arising from their HIV disease, including:
      • Assistance with public benefits such as Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI)
      • Interventions necessary to ensure access to eligible benefits, including discrimination or breach of confidentiality litigation as it relates to services eligible for funding under the RWHAP
      • Preparation of: healthcare power of attorney, durable powers of attorney, living wills
    • Permanency planning to help clients/families make decisions about the placement and care of minor children after their parents/caregivers are deceased or are no longer able to care for them, including:
      • Social service counseling or legal counsel regarding the drafting of wills or delegating powers of attorney
      • Preparation for custody options for legal dependents including standby guardianship, joint custody, or adoption
    • Income tax preparation services to assist clients in filing Federal tax returns that are required by the Affordable Care Act for all individuals receiving premium tax credits

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